my little girl gets me through,
so I made her a monkey...
my beautiful wife gets me through, too,
what can I possibly do for her??
my little girl gets me through,
so I made her a monkey...
my beautiful wife gets me through, too,
what can I possibly do for her??
For those of you who thought a cancer diagnosis, two surgeries and a gaping belly wound would get in my way or slow me down...... obviously haven't seen my anti-abdominal surgery STANDING sewing station.
thaaaaaaaaaaat's riiiiight.
Maya mentioned that one of the six zillion balls that we are juggling right now is the fact that the incision from the most recent surgery is starting to open up. its pretty superficial, there isn't any danger of my guts falling out... but it has to stay clean and dressed and it limits my movement and activity, if only mentally.
right now, here's my math equation:
more activity = more energy = more appetite = more healing
gotta have those things, and this open wound is getting in the way!
wanna see it?
don't say I didn't warn you ....
gross. that's my belly.
hang on to the roller coaster.
got a call from the oncologist office this morning.
they want us to come in on Monday to talk about doing chemo now.
that's it, no details.
someone must have been awfully convincing...
so here's something that maybe we haven't really said before: I got the rare stuff.
my cancer is really super rare.
(I mean c'mon what would you have expected with me?)
apparently there are something like about 300 documented cases worldwide? don't quote me on that...
having something that is super rare seems cool, and it would be if this were a baseball card or a jazz record.
but rare cancers kinda suck.
nobody knows what to do with it. there are no studies, no trials, not even enough cases to make a good guess about.
cancer docs say "oh yeah, appendix cancer: heard of it, never seen it."
my doctor said he's seen maybe three, but he went to school on the east coast, studied at Yale, has just had more opportunity to see it than most...
he said he needs to talk to other people, he doesn't know enough about it. that's good.
the point of all this is
when we saw him today
he was very positive about clean scans and negative pathology reports and that most likely I'm clean.
and he thinks chemo isn't necessary.
likely we do more blood tests and scans, every three months, and unless something shows up, we just keep checking in. after a few years, we start to check in less.
if something shows up, then we have a plan: maybe more surgery, maybe chemo.
and maybe he'll talk to these other docs this week, and they'll give him some really convincing reasons why 'chemo: now' is a smarter plan.
but for now: NO CHEMO
feeling better every day
getting stronger every day
moving faster every day
sleeping better every day
less pain every day
eating more every day
moving forward every day
one day at a time
got my staples out today. good riddance!
they were very uncomfortable, snagged on clothing, poked and pinched... and now they're gone. when I get the dressing off, I'll get some pictures up.
have an oncology appt. in about an hour. we will begin the "have chemo or not have chemo" conversation.
updates to come.
So about half an hour ago I made a poop!!!
now, nothing to write home about (or to the internets about, normally) but solid material actually made its way out of my shocked and damaged and truncated bowel!!!
so seriously! after chopping out about a foot, my guts are still able to pull it together and make it work.
another decent night sleep (about 6 hours) and this morning I'm feeling rather good. still lifted from yesterday's good news and the assurance that I am leaving the hospital today. yeah!
again I have to say a deep heartfelt thanks to all of you for the support! it has made a tremendous difference to know you are all out there sending energy to me and my family.
this next week as I settle in at home (there is still a long road of recovery ahead ) I will start to reply to all the emails and phonecalls.
I have gone back and forth about whether or not to post this image. but I have decided that with all the rawness and honesty we (mostly Maya) have been portraying our emotions, then in all fairness, and for the sake of posterity, I will be upfront about the physical, too.
without further ado, my new belly:
"Papa? Do you want me to give you a laugh? It will make you feel better. Okay?"
I couldn't wait until next week for the pathology report. Jeremy's appointment with the oncologist is Tuesday. That's a lot of days to wait.
I called the office today and asked for results...with Jeremy's go ahead.
It was negative, there was no cancer found! They removed a foot of colon and 23 lymph nodes and no cancer!!! Did you get that? NO CANCER!!!!!!!!
NO CANCER!!!!!!!
I was in the car talking on the cell phone which is illegal in our state and almost drove off the road. I can't explain the outpour of emotions that came from me when I heard that.
This has been so scary for me. Dealing with the mortality of my husband is not something anyone should have to go through, especially when we have such a long life to live together.
Now there's hope...
And time for a nap.
a comparison :
Tuesday night
total sleep : one and a half hours
quality of sleep : light, interrupted, not restorative
pain levels : high
pain control : I could press the button releasing the pain meds every six minutes. but if I was sleeping, I wasn't pressing the button. so if I slept an hour, then I was an hour behind on pain management and it would take an hour of watching the clock, every six minutes, to catch back up. this of course meant no sleeping...
overall feeling : sweaty, dirty, discouraged
Wednesday night
total sleep : about seven hours
quality of sleep : deep, almost uninterrupted, restorative
pain levels : managed
pain control : I'm now on oral pain meds, a big dose every three hours, much more manageable because I can rest in between, a big difference!
overall feeling : better, BETTER
- got to take a shower, it was awkward, exhausting but ultimately really great, thanks nurse Maya!
- got to get out of that awful hospital gown and put on some of my own clothes, phew!
- got the dressing off my incision, woah. it's about ten inches long and has 21 staples in it. it looks very clean, and they tell me it's looking good. it was quite a shock to me. when they pulled the dressing off, I had to lay down, dizzy sweats... but I've grown accustomed to it, maybe a bit fond of it. it will definitely be a bad-ass scar...
- I went for four walks yesterday, have now covered all the carpet on this floor. I will need to find the elevator if I hope to blaze new trails... that or I'm going to have to start running laps...
- I've been upgraded from clear liquids to all liquids! ate some custard and yogurt yesterday. hopefully we will see some gut action today, really hoping for some toots!
okay, nap time.
Fiona Cloud had her first official performance today, on the conclusion of her DoJump class. the first of many, many, many.
I was just SICK to miss it; fortunately, Mama got it on video.
Here is my little Martha Graham showing her modern-dance-old man her moves.
once we get the video online I'll post the link because you have just GOT to see it!
one of the things that has been so helpful in providing comfort here is to be able to stream music from my Google music account thru my tablet. fortunately I mentioned, this to Maya, and she paid attention.
so serendipity:
I was on my fifteenth snooze of the day, and Richard and Natalie stopped by. Maya met them at the door and took them on a walk so I could keep sleeping.
down a floor or two Maya spotted a woman dragging a harp and went running after her. this woman is a music thanatologist:
Main Entry: than·a·tol·o·gy
Pronunciation: \ˌtha-nə-ˈtä-lə-jē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek thanatos + English -logy
Date: circa 1842
: the description or study of the phenomena of death and of psychological mechanisms for coping with them
in other words, she plays music and sings to patients to ease them in there final times. FORTUNATELY for me she believes very strongly in the HEALING, NURTURING AND RESTFUL properties of music... cause you know, my final times are literally DECADES away.
Maya told this woman my story and how music was providing so much comfort to me and she agreed to come play for me.
I can't even begin to do justice to the experience. she played slow, soft and with true glory. the sounds wove their way into my wounds and set to healing them. I drifted into the most peaceful sleep. it was a gift.
things continue to move forward,
I've had another walk, much longer this time, am working with the pain fairly successfully
I'm anxiously waiting for the
music therapist and her harp
that Maya was able to coax into a private performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some nice visits today, and a lot of supportive notes THANK YOU THEY DO HEAL
before my surgery I got a big old shot in my spine of painkiller, basically an epidural. it was radical.
and about 3:30 this morning, it went away.
so there's a big chunk of pain in my guts this morning. hard to take deep breathes. which, you know is kinda important. keeps away the pneumonia they tell me. among other things...
at first I could press the morphine button every ten minutes, but it wasn't touching it.
so they switched me to dilaudid every six minutes, which is better. I'm listening to that Mountain Goats song over and over.
so if you want to share in this morning's soundtrack, bust out The Sunset Tree, and mash play! thanks, John
sleeping in the hospital smells like an elephant foot
like an elephant who's been running around all day in the hot sun
like an elephant who's sweaty from running and just stepped in his own poop
that's how it stinks sleeping in the hospital
my man, Mike came in and offered to take me on a stroll. I jumped at the chance (well, maybe my eyebrows jumped a little). I stood up, leaned on my wheelie-pole-of-bags, made it out the door and about 20 feet up the hall and back. The guts hurt like everything, but it was AMAZING to be up and walking! slow going, inch long steps, a little dizzy, the nausea hit when I sat back down, but a few minutes of sitting and a few ice cubes, and I was back in top form. can't wait for my next walk! maybe when maya gets here...
I have my Sketchbook and some music playing, DOING FINE.
Oh, and let me tell you about the little crummy plastic cup of lemon sorbet.... NECTAR FROM OLYMPUS! A ROYAL TREAT FROM THE KING AND QUEEN OF HOLY-MACKERAL-LAND. CAN I GET A HALLELUJAH??!?
it was that good.
Jeremy just got out of surgery. It went well, no complications. I will post more later.
first, it is important to say that the outpouring of help and support has been both enormous and overwhelming. Maya and I can't tell you how much we appreciate it.
second, I thought I'd give you a glimpse of my day tomorrow (Sunday) before I head into surgery on Monday.
when I wake up I am restricted to clear liquids. ( does beer count?? ) everyone mentions jello like jello is the one consolation for being stuck on clear liquids. sort of like your tonsils and ice cream. yup, we're going to cut out a chunk of your throat and its gonna hurt like crazy for weeks but... you get to eat ice cream! I'd love it if ice cream was a clear liquid. because I don't eat jello. you're welcome, cows.
I have a special antibacterial soap I have to use, smells stinky.
starting at noon I have to drink a gallon of golytely which will flush out every nook and cranny. will spend the rest of the day sitting down...
four pills of two different antibiotics at 3,6 and 9, then hopefully I will be able to sleep....
have to be at the hospital by 7on Monday after another antibacterial shower, and the start cutting shortly after 11. I imagine that I will be in recovery until after 3. Maya will update this site with any news. we won't have any results until our appt. the following Tuesday.
until then, I won't be very good about answering my phone, but I read every text and email and comment, sometimes more than twice.