Thursday, July 19, 2012


it's been 12 days since I last posted...
it's been almost a whole month since I posted anything really news-worthy...

does this mean life has returned to normal?
does this mean all our problems have disappeared?

life does seem a bit more normal. in the sense that all of this cancer business isn't
as raw as it was a month ago... we've gotten into a routine,
twice-daily showers and bandage changes
(in case you're interested: my incision site is MOSTLY closed up, give me a few more days.... I'll try and put another picture up.)
but things aren't really back to normal,
or more likely,
we're still sort of defining what the new normal is going to be from here on in....

I'm feeling much better,
I'm not sitting around as much,
I'm not pooped out as much,
I can do stuff,
I can hang out with people,
I can drive, and go places.
I can do most of the things I could do before the surgeries.
on Monday, 4 days from now, I will technically be able to lift stuff,
which means I'll likely be able to get back on the climbing wall (slowly)
as long as this belly closes up.

I think the long stretch of quiet has to do with the fact that we haven't had any more news.
we're still waiting until an Aug. 6 appt. to get chemo going.
and while that date is getting closer and closer,
nothing really new is going on.

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