Monday, June 11, 2012

i just went for a walk!

my man, Mike came in and offered to take me on a stroll. I jumped at the chance (well, maybe my eyebrows jumped a little).  I stood up, leaned on my wheelie-pole-of-bags, made it out the door and about 20 feet up the hall and back.  The guts hurt like everything, but it was AMAZING to be up and walking!  slow going, inch long steps, a little dizzy, the nausea hit when I sat back down, but a few minutes of sitting and a few ice cubes, and I was back in top form.  can't wait for my next walk! maybe when maya gets here...

I have my Sketchbook and some music playing, DOING FINE.

Oh, and let me tell you about the little crummy plastic cup of lemon sorbet.... NECTAR FROM OLYMPUS! A ROYAL TREAT FROM THE KING AND QUEEN OF HOLY-MACKERAL-LAND. CAN I GET A HALLELUJAH??!?

it was that good. 


  1. Mmmmmm - Lemon Sorbet FTW. Gotta love the reward system. :) -Linder

  2. Yes!!! They just put it on the clear liquid menu!
