Tuesday, June 19, 2012

NO CHEMO for now

so here's something that maybe we haven't really said before: I got the rare stuff.
my cancer is really super rare.
(I mean c'mon what would you have expected with me?)
apparently there are something like about 300 documented cases worldwide? don't quote me on that...

having something that is super rare seems cool, and it would be if this were a baseball card or a jazz record.

but rare cancers kinda suck.
nobody knows what to do with it. there are no studies, no trials, not even enough cases to make a good guess about.
cancer docs say  "oh yeah, appendix cancer: heard of it, never seen it." 

my doctor said he's seen maybe three, but he went to school on the east coast, studied at Yale, has just had more opportunity to see it than most...
he said he needs to talk to other people, he doesn't know enough about it. that's good.

the point of all this is
when we saw him today
he was very positive about clean scans and negative pathology reports and that most likely I'm clean.
and he thinks chemo isn't necessary.
likely we do more blood tests and scans, every three months, and unless something shows up, we just keep checking in. after a few years, we start to check in less.

if something shows up, then we have a plan: maybe more surgery, maybe chemo.

and maybe he'll talk to these other docs this week, and they'll give him some really convincing reasons why 'chemo: now' is a smarter plan.

but for now: NO CHEMO


  1. Awesome, awesome news! More hugs to all of you.

  2. That is great news! Best possible scenario regarding the situation right now, correct?! I still can't believe it all, and how rare. I really hope you're recovering well and I'm looking forward to seeing you...very soon! (If you're up for it!)

  3. Great to hear, and can't wait until you're back to yourself post-surgery and can get on with living your life awesomely.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yaaaayyyyy!!! Excellent news. So glad to hear this. Wishing speedy healing for you!

  6. Best news ever! We are so happy for you, and pray for a super speedy recovery! I know this is selfish, but really hope to see all of you in Aruba! Wouldn't be the same without you.

  7. That's awesome. I've been thinking of you. xo

  8. Avoid it if you can. You would be fine, you could handle it. But avoiding it is good.

  9. I'm so sorry for waking you up! Were you able to get back to sleep? I was going to come by at 8pm and instead had an RFIP (Maya will know, it involves lots of bleeding).

  10. good news! i've been thinking of you. i am glad to hear the updates.
