Tuesday, June 12, 2012


before  my surgery I got a big old shot in my spine of painkiller, basically an epidural. it was radical.

and about 3:30 this morning, it went away.
so there's a big chunk of pain in my guts this morning. hard to take deep breathes. which, you know is kinda important. keeps away the pneumonia they tell me. among other things...

at first I could press the morphine button every ten minutes, but it wasn't touching it.

so they switched me to dilaudid every six minutes, which is better. I'm listening to that Mountain Goats song over and over.

so if you want to share in this morning's soundtrack, bust out The Sunset Tree, and mash play!  thanks, John


  1. Pain sucks ass. I'm sorry, friend.. Sending love.

    1. thank you! but I'm not sure who I'm thanking...

  2. Sounds counter intuitive, I know, but continue to say yes every time your nurse/aide/lovely wife offers to take you for a walk. Pain will be less.
